May 2012 Extra Issue |
of Contents XML
| Month :
| Vol : 6
| Issue : 3
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All Articles (62)
Dermatoglyphics: A Diagnostic Tool
to Predict Diabetes
Manoj Kumar Sharma, Hemlata Sharma
] | [ FULL
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327-332 |
Anatomical Variations in the Branches
of the Coeliac Trunk
Antony Sylvan D’Souza, Vijayalakshmi, Hemalatha, Pugazhandhi, H. Mamatha
] | [ FULL
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333-335 |
Variational Anatomy of the Segmental Branches of the Splenic Artery
Prashant Nashiket Chaware, Swati Milind Belsare, Yashwant Ramakrishna Kulkarni,
Sudhir Vishnupant Pandit, Jaideo Manohar Ughade
] | [ FULL
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336-338 |
Does pain perception vary across the reproductive life or with the use of HRT in postmenopausal women?
Shikha Gautam, Nilima Shankar, O.P.Tandon, Neerja Goel
] | [ FULL
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339-341 |
Pulmonary Function Impairments among
Dry Cell Battery Factory Workers
Kaushik Saha, Supriya Sarkar, Ankan Bandyopadhyay, Malay Kr. Maikap,
Arpita Banerjee, Debraj Jash , Abhijit Kundu, Arnab Maji
] | [ FULL
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342-345 |
A Pilot Study on Long Term Effects of
Mobile Phone Usage on Heart Rate
Variability in Healthy Young Adult Males
Bhagyalakshmi Kodavanji, Venkappa Siddappa Mantur, Nayanatara Arun Kumar, Sheila Ramesh Pai
] | [ FULL
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346-349 |
Correlation Between Body Mass Index (BMI), Body Fat Percentage and Pulmonary Functions in Underweight, Overweight and Normal Weight Adolescents
Umesh Pralhadrao Lad, Vilas G. Jaltade, Shital Shisode-Lad, P. Satyanarayana
] | [ FULL
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350-353 |
Respiratory Myopathy in Type II
Diabetes Mellitus
Nandhini R., Syed Safina S.S., Saikumar P.
] | [ FULL
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354-357 |
Anti-oxidant Status in Patients with Chronic
Hepatitis C in Rajasthan, India
Santosh K Sharma, Atul K. Sharma, Sadhna Sood
] | [ FULL
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358-360 |
Erythrocytic Pyruvate Kinase and Malondialdehyde Levels in Acute
Leukaemia Patients
Veena Singh, Munish Kaushik, Kiran Dahiya, P.S. Ghalaut, Rakesh Dhankhar, Ragini Singh
] | [ FULL
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361-363 |
Risk Factors and the Biochemical
Evaluation of Biliary Calculi in Rural Kolar, Karnataka, India: A Rural Perspective of an Urban Disease
Shashidhar K. Nagaraj, Prasad Paul, Mohan K. Kumar, Shankar Muninarayanappa, Hemalatha Anantharamaiah
] | [ FULL
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364-368 |
Exploration of the Clinico-Biochemical
Parameters to Explain the Altered Renal
Mechanisms in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Nagalakshmi C.S., Devaki R.N., Akila P., Suma K.B., Prashant V., Suma M.N., Parveen D., Sujatha P.
] | [ FULL
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369-371 |
Prevalence of Anaemia among Adolescent Girls: A One Year Cross-Sectional Study
Shilpa S. Biradar, Somashekar P. Biradar, A.C. Alatagi, A.S. Wantamutte, P.R. Malur
] | [ FULL
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372-377 |
Rapid Slide Culture: Relevance to the
Modern Day Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
Sanjeev H., Karnaker Vimal K., Rai Rekha, Pai Asha K.B., Ganesh H.R., Krishnaprasad M.S.
] | [ FULL
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378-381 |
Prevalence Of Cyclospora Cayetanensis In HIV Positive Individuals In A Tertiary Care Hospital
Ashihabegum Ma, Dhanabalan.P, Sucilathangam G, Velvizhi G, Jeyamurugan T, Palaniappan N, Anna T
] | [ FULL
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382-384 |
Haemophilus Influenzae, an Underdiagnosed Cause of Respiratory Tract Infections
Rekha Rai, Vimal Kumar K., Ganesh Ramanath, Krishnaprasad Madle S., Sanjeev Hosdurg, Asha Pai K.B.
] | [ FULL
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385-387 |
Prevalence of Cryptococcal Meningitis among Immuno-competent and Immuno-compromised Individuals in Bellary,
South India: A Prospective Study
Kanchan Mahale, Satish Patil, Ravikumar, Nagabhushan, Ramanath Mahale
] | [ FULL
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388-392 |
The Prevalence and the Risk Factors Which
are Associated with Staphylococcus aureus
and Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus Which
Harboured the Panton-Valentine-
Leukocidin Gene in Sikkim
Kunsang Ongmoo Bhutia, T. Shantikumar Singh
] | [ FULL
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393-399 |
Molecular typing of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli from diarrheagenic stool samples
Dhanashree B. , Shrikara P. Mallya,
] | [ FULL
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400-404 |
Change in the Prevalence and the Antibiotic Resistance of the Enterococcal Species
Isolated from Blood Cultures
Anjana Telkar, Baragundi .Mahesh.C., Raghavendra V. P., Vishwanath. G., Chandrappa .N .R.
] | [ FULL
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405-408 |
The Microbiological Profile Of Diabetic Foot Infections
K.M.Mohanasoundaram ,
] | [ FULL
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409-412 |
Do Economic Factors Contribute to Development of Drug Resistance: A Study
Anita K.B., Faseela T.S., Ronald A. Roche, Leslie Gomes, Prajna Sharma, Sanchitha Shettigar, Bhavana J.
] | [ FULL
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413-415 |
Study of the Baseline Widal Titre Amongst Healthy Individuals in Amlapuram, India
Prashant Peshattiwar
] | [ FULL
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416-417 |
A Comparative Study of Ketorolac with Lornoxicam as Pre-emptive Analgesics in Patients Who were Undergoing Elective Abdominal Surgery under General Anaesthesia
Girish Babu Narasimha Murthy, Girish M. Bengalorkar, Ravi Madhusudhana
] | [ FULL
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418-422 |
Amniotic Membrane Dressing versus Normal Saline Dressing in Non-healing Lower Limb Ulcers: A Prospective Comparative Study at a Teaching Hospital
Hanumanthappa M.B., Gopinathan S., Rithin Suvarna, Guruprasad Rai D.,
Gautham Shetty, Karan Shetty, Sanjeeva Shetty, Zuhail Nazar
] | [ FULL
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423-427 |
A clinico- pathological study of adenomyosis
Bupathy Arunachalam , Jayasree Manivasakan ,
] | [ FULL
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428-430 |
A Descriptive Study of Use of Psychotropic
Drugs in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric
Illness in an Inpatient Facility
Fahad Jameel, Ashwin Kamath, Shripathy M. Bhat, Laxminarayana K. Bairy
] | [ FULL
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431-436 |
Efficacy of the Total Extract of Urtica
Dioica on the glucose utilization
by the Human Muscle Cells
Majid Mobaseri, Akbar Aliasgarzadeh, Amir Bahrami, Nosratollah Zargami, Ali Tabrizi
] | [ FULL
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437-440 |
Effect of Meat Consumption on the
Glycaemic Control, Obesity and Blood
Pressure in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Aswini Dutt R., Satish Kumar N.S., Shankar Bhat K., M. Bhima Bhat, Neevan D.R. D S’ouza
] | [ FULL
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441-444 |
Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions:
A 6-Month Teaching Hospital Based
Study from Mid-Western Nepal
Saraswoti Neupane, Surya Raj Sharma
] | [ FULL
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445-448 |
abscess due to Mycobacterium fortuitum: a case report
Seema Bose , Santosh Saini, Anagha G Kinikar, Rekha Barapatre
] | [ FULL
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449-450 |
Primary Cutaneous Nocardial Infection
Presenting as Mycetoma: A Case Report
with a Short Review of Primary Cutaneous
Nocardial Infections in India
Mane Pratibha M., Kolte Sachin S., Basawaraju Anuradha
] | [ FULL
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451-454 |
Diabetes Muscle Infarction:
A Case Study
Suhith Gajanthodi, Rakesh Rai, Rajeev Kumar Chaudhry
] | [ FULL
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455-456 |
Thigh Abscess is an Unusual Presentation of the Perforation of Retroperitoneal Appendicitis
Lal S., Gupta. , Gaharwar APS. , Shrivastava G.P.
] | [ FULL
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457-459 |
Traumatic Dislocation of the Testis:
A Rare Case Report and Review
of Literature
Praveen Kumar K, Erel A.I. Diaz, Rupa M. Mascarenhas
] | [ FULL
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460-461 |
High bifurcation of the common carotid artery and looping of the external carotid artery – a case report
D. Vinaitha, K. Suba Anandhi, R. Sharmila Saran, Lakshmi Ramanathan, Aruna Subramaniam
] | [ FULL
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462-464 |
Bilateral Musculus Sternalis:
A Case Report
Rajan Kumar Singla, Kanika Sachdeva
] | [ FULL
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465-468 |
The Anomalous Trunkus Brachiocephalicus
And Its Clinical Significance
Ananda Rani.V.S, Shifan Khandey, T.Srimathi, T.Muthukumar
] | [ FULL
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469-471 |
Metatypical Carcinoma:
A Rare Case Report
Kalpana Kumari M.K., Srinivas C.H., Kirthi Koushik A.S.
] | [ FULL
TEXT ] | [ PDF
472-474 |
Bilateral Primary Synovial Chondromatosis:
A Case Report
Shivakumarswamy Udasimath, Vijay P.M., Purushotham R., Kumar Naik H., Nagesha. K.R.
] | [ FULL
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475-477 |
Extensive Idiopathic Scrotal Calcinosis:
A Case Report
Vijay D. Dombale, S. I. Basarkod, H.B. Kotabagi, Unaiza Farheen
] | [ FULL
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478-479 |
Chronic Cold Agglutinin Disease: A Case
Report with Review of Literature.
R. Kalyani, M J Thej, AK Thomas, A Raveesha
] | [ FULL
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480-482 |
Venous Hemangioma of the Breast:
Report of an Unusual Case
Leena, Suma
] | [ FULL
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483-484 |
Homocystinuria in Adult Siblings
Kannan R., Natarajan S., Surapaneni K.M., Murali A., Senthil Kumar Aiyappan, Lal D.V.
] | [ FULL
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485-487 |
Intra-operative Bronchospasm in a Patient Who was Scheduled for Emergency Caesarean Section under Spinal Anaesthesia
R. Mudaraddi, S. Kinthala, U. Byadarahalli Ramachandra
] | [ FULL
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488-489 |
Role of Imaging in a Case of Primary
Breast Lymphoma
Sushil G. Kachewar, Smita B. Sankaye
] | [ FULL
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490-492 |
Recurrent Ectopic Pregnancy
in the Fallopian Tubes
Afsaneh Tabandeh, Mahsa Besharat
] | [ FULL
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493-494 |
Oxygen Dependency In Preterm Newborn: Beyond Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Smita Ramachandran, Bhanu Kiran Bhakhri, Vikram Datta
] | [ FULL
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495-497 |
Genetic Basis of Breast Cancer
R.S. Khane
] | [ FULL
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498-502 |
Microbiological Stool Examination: Overview
Kotgire Santosh A.,
] | [ FULL
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503-509 |
The Changing Facade of Anti-arrhythmics
Thomas Joseph, Princy Louis Palatty
] | [ FULL
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510-516 |
Diabetes and Oral Changes: The Tryptophan Metabolism Link?
Rishabh Kapila, Kikeri Seetaramaih Nagesh, Asha Iyengar, Divyalakshmi
] | [ FULL
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517-520 |
Remembering the Titan:
A Case Report
Manish Kaushik, M.K. Manjunath
] | [ FULL
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521-523 |
Fibrolipoma : Report of Two Intraoral Cases
Sheela Kumar Gujjari, Mishal Shah, Usha Hegde, Vidya G. Doddawad
] | [ FULL
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524-526 |
Non Vital Bleaching – A Non Invasive Post Endodontic Treatment Option – A Case Report
Prasanna Neelakantan, Nithya Jagannathan,
] | [ FULL
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527-529 |
Nasal Stent Fabrication for an Atrophic
Rhinitis Patient: A Simplified Technique
E. Nagaraj, Nitin Shetty, Nivedita Mankani, Subramanian M. Rao, Sunil Kumar Gurram
] | [ FULL
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530-532 |
Lasers in Conservative Dentistry:
An Overview
Gaurangi Kakodkar, Ida de Noronha de Ataide, Rajdeep Pavaskar
] | [ FULL
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533-536 |
Labial Frenectomy through Z Plasty
Aparna Agarwal, Rahul Kapahi
] | [ FULL
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537-538 |
Central Ossifying Fibroma of the Mandible:
An Unusual Case Report
Bal Reddy P., Sridhar Reddy B., Prasad N., Kiran G., Karthik Patlolla
] | [ FULL
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539-541 |
Effect of the Aqueous Extract of Mentha
Arvensis on Haloperidol Induced
Catalepsy in Albino Mice
MD. Parwez Ahmad, Hussain Arshad, Najmi Abul Kalam, Manocha Anshu, Akhtar Md. Hasin, Wahab Shadma
] | [ FULL
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542-546 |
Analgesic Effects of Dashamula, an
Ayurvedic Preparation, versus Diclofenac
Sodium in Animal Models
Ravi Shekhar Singh, Mushtaq Ahmad, Zahoor Ahmad Wafai, Zafer Yab Khan, Monika Sharma, Vikas Seth
] | [ FULL
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547-550 |
HIV Seroprevalence among Prison
Inmates in Rajasthan, India
Ekadashi Rajni Sabharwal, D.R. Mathur, Pushpa Mehta
] | [ FULL
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551- |