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May 2012 Extra Issue     Table of Contents  XML
2025 | Month : | Vol : 6 | Issue : 3
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Show All Articles Anaesthesia.. (2) Anatomy.. (6) Biochemistry.. (4)
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All Articles (62)


Dermatoglyphics: A Diagnostic Tool to Predict Diabetes
Manoj Kumar Sharma, Hemlata Sharma

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Anatomical Variations in the Branches of the Coeliac Trunk
Antony Sylvan D’Souza, Vijayalakshmi, Hemalatha, Pugazhandhi, H. Mamatha

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Variational Anatomy of the Segmental Branches of the Splenic Artery
Prashant Nashiket Chaware, Swati Milind Belsare, Yashwant Ramakrishna Kulkarni, Sudhir Vishnupant Pandit, Jaideo Manohar Ughade

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Does pain perception vary across the reproductive life or with the use of HRT in postmenopausal women?
Shikha Gautam, Nilima Shankar, O.P.Tandon, Neerja Goel

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Pulmonary Function Impairments among Dry Cell Battery Factory Workers
Kaushik Saha, Supriya Sarkar, Ankan Bandyopadhyay, Malay Kr. Maikap, Arpita Banerjee, Debraj Jash , Abhijit Kundu, Arnab Maji

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A Pilot Study on Long Term Effects of Mobile Phone Usage on Heart Rate Variability in Healthy Young Adult Males
Bhagyalakshmi Kodavanji, Venkappa Siddappa Mantur, Nayanatara Arun Kumar, Sheila Ramesh Pai

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Correlation Between Body Mass Index (BMI), Body Fat Percentage and Pulmonary Functions in Underweight, Overweight and Normal Weight Adolescents
Umesh Pralhadrao Lad, Vilas G. Jaltade, Shital Shisode-Lad, P. Satyanarayana

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Respiratory Myopathy in Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Nandhini R., Syed Safina S.S., Saikumar P.

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Anti-oxidant Status in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C in Rajasthan, India
Santosh K Sharma, Atul K. Sharma, Sadhna Sood

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Erythrocytic Pyruvate Kinase and Malondialdehyde Levels in Acute Leukaemia Patients
Veena Singh, Munish Kaushik, Kiran Dahiya, P.S. Ghalaut, Rakesh Dhankhar, Ragini Singh

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Risk Factors and the Biochemical Evaluation of Biliary Calculi in Rural Kolar, Karnataka, India: A Rural Perspective of an Urban Disease
Shashidhar K. Nagaraj, Prasad Paul, Mohan K. Kumar, Shankar Muninarayanappa, Hemalatha Anantharamaiah

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Exploration of the Clinico-Biochemical Parameters to Explain the Altered Renal Mechanisms in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Nagalakshmi C.S., Devaki R.N., Akila P., Suma K.B., Prashant V., Suma M.N., Parveen D., Sujatha P.

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Prevalence of Anaemia among Adolescent Girls: A One Year Cross-Sectional Study
Shilpa S. Biradar, Somashekar P. Biradar, A.C. Alatagi, A.S. Wantamutte, P.R. Malur

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Rapid Slide Culture: Relevance to the Modern Day Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
Sanjeev H., Karnaker Vimal K., Rai Rekha, Pai Asha K.B., Ganesh H.R., Krishnaprasad M.S.

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Prevalence Of Cyclospora Cayetanensis In HIV Positive Individuals In A Tertiary Care Hospital
Ashihabegum Ma, Dhanabalan.P, Sucilathangam G, Velvizhi G, Jeyamurugan T, Palaniappan N, Anna T

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Haemophilus Influenzae, an Underdiagnosed Cause of Respiratory Tract Infections
Rekha Rai, Vimal Kumar K., Ganesh Ramanath, Krishnaprasad Madle S., Sanjeev Hosdurg, Asha Pai K.B.

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Prevalence of Cryptococcal Meningitis among Immuno-competent and Immuno-compromised Individuals in Bellary, South India: A Prospective Study
Kanchan Mahale, Satish Patil, Ravikumar, Nagabhushan, Ramanath Mahale

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The Prevalence and the Risk Factors Which are Associated with Staphylococcus aureus and Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus Which Harboured the Panton-Valentine- Leukocidin Gene in Sikkim
Kunsang Ongmoo Bhutia, T. Shantikumar Singh

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Molecular typing of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli from diarrheagenic stool samples
Dhanashree B. , Shrikara P. Mallya,

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Change in the Prevalence and the Antibiotic Resistance of the Enterococcal Species Isolated from Blood Cultures
Anjana Telkar, Baragundi .Mahesh.C., Raghavendra V. P., Vishwanath. G., Chandrappa .N .R.

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The Microbiological Profile Of Diabetic Foot Infections
K.M.Mohanasoundaram ,

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Do Economic Factors Contribute to Development of Drug Resistance: A Study
Anita K.B., Faseela T.S., Ronald A. Roche, Leslie Gomes, Prajna Sharma, Sanchitha Shettigar, Bhavana J.

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Study of the Baseline Widal Titre Amongst Healthy Individuals in Amlapuram, India
Prashant Peshattiwar

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A Comparative Study of Ketorolac with Lornoxicam as Pre-emptive Analgesics in Patients Who were Undergoing Elective Abdominal Surgery under General Anaesthesia
Girish Babu Narasimha Murthy, Girish M. Bengalorkar, Ravi Madhusudhana

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Amniotic Membrane Dressing versus Normal Saline Dressing in Non-healing Lower Limb Ulcers: A Prospective Comparative Study at a Teaching Hospital
Hanumanthappa M.B., Gopinathan S., Rithin Suvarna, Guruprasad Rai D., Gautham Shetty, Karan Shetty, Sanjeeva Shetty, Zuhail Nazar

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A clinico- pathological study of adenomyosis
Bupathy Arunachalam , Jayasree Manivasakan ,

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


A Descriptive Study of Use of Psychotropic Drugs in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Illness in an Inpatient Facility
Fahad Jameel, Ashwin Kamath, Shripathy M. Bhat, Laxminarayana K. Bairy

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Efficacy of the Total Extract of Urtica Dioica on the glucose utilization by the Human Muscle Cells
Majid Mobaseri, Akbar Aliasgarzadeh, Amir Bahrami, Nosratollah Zargami, Ali Tabrizi

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Effect of Meat Consumption on the Glycaemic Control, Obesity and Blood Pressure in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Aswini Dutt R., Satish Kumar N.S., Shankar Bhat K., M. Bhima Bhat, Neevan D.R. D S’ouza

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions: A 6-Month Teaching Hospital Based Study from Mid-Western Nepal
Saraswoti Neupane, Surya Raj Sharma

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Breast abscess due to Mycobacterium fortuitum: a case report
Seema Bose , Santosh Saini, Anagha G Kinikar, Rekha Barapatre

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Primary Cutaneous Nocardial Infection Presenting as Mycetoma: A Case Report with a Short Review of Primary Cutaneous Nocardial Infections in India
Mane Pratibha M., Kolte Sachin S., Basawaraju Anuradha

[ ABSTRACT ]  |  [ FULL TEXT ]  |  [ PDF ]


Diabetes Muscle Infarction: A Case Study
Suhith Gajanthodi, Rakesh Rai, Rajeev Kumar Chaudhry

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Thigh Abscess is an Unusual Presentation of the Perforation of Retroperitoneal Appendicitis
Lal S., Gupta. , Gaharwar APS. , Shrivastava G.P.

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Traumatic Dislocation of the Testis: A Rare Case Report and Review of Literature
Praveen Kumar K, Erel A.I. Diaz, Rupa M. Mascarenhas

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High bifurcation of the common carotid artery and looping of the external carotid artery – a case report
D. Vinaitha, K. Suba Anandhi, R. Sharmila Saran, Lakshmi Ramanathan, Aruna Subramaniam

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Bilateral Musculus Sternalis: A Case Report
Rajan Kumar Singla, Kanika Sachdeva

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The Anomalous Trunkus Brachiocephalicus And Its Clinical Significance
Ananda Rani.V.S, Shifan Khandey, T.Srimathi, T.Muthukumar

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Metatypical Carcinoma: A Rare Case Report
Kalpana Kumari M.K., Srinivas C.H., Kirthi Koushik A.S.

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Bilateral Primary Synovial Chondromatosis: A Case Report
Shivakumarswamy Udasimath, Vijay P.M., Purushotham R., Kumar Naik H., Nagesha. K.R.

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Extensive Idiopathic Scrotal Calcinosis: A Case Report
Vijay D. Dombale, S. I. Basarkod, H.B. Kotabagi, Unaiza Farheen

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Chronic Cold Agglutinin Disease: A Case Report with Review of Literature.
R. Kalyani, M J Thej, AK Thomas, A Raveesha

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Venous Hemangioma of the Breast: Report of an Unusual Case
Leena, Suma

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Homocystinuria in Adult Siblings
Kannan R., Natarajan S., Surapaneni K.M., Murali A., Senthil Kumar Aiyappan, Lal D.V.

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Intra-operative Bronchospasm in a Patient Who was Scheduled for Emergency Caesarean Section under Spinal Anaesthesia
R. Mudaraddi, S. Kinthala, U. Byadarahalli Ramachandra

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Role of Imaging in a Case of Primary Breast Lymphoma
Sushil G. Kachewar, Smita B. Sankaye

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Recurrent Ectopic Pregnancy in the Fallopian Tubes
Afsaneh Tabandeh, Mahsa Besharat

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Persistent Oxygen Dependency In Preterm Newborn: Beyond Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Smita Ramachandran, Bhanu Kiran Bhakhri, Vikram Datta

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Genetic Basis of Breast Cancer
R.S. Khane

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Microbiological Stool Examination: Overview
Kotgire Santosh A.,

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The Changing Facade of Anti-arrhythmics
Thomas Joseph, Princy Louis Palatty

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Diabetes and Oral Changes: The Tryptophan Metabolism Link?
Rishabh Kapila, Kikeri Seetaramaih Nagesh, Asha Iyengar, Divyalakshmi

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Remembering the Titan: A Case Report
Manish Kaushik, M.K. Manjunath

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Fibrolipoma : Report of Two Intraoral Cases
Sheela Kumar Gujjari, Mishal Shah, Usha Hegde, Vidya G. Doddawad

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Non Vital Bleaching – A Non Invasive Post Endodontic Treatment Option – A Case Report
Prasanna Neelakantan, Nithya Jagannathan,

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Nasal Stent Fabrication for an Atrophic Rhinitis Patient: A Simplified Technique
E. Nagaraj, Nitin Shetty, Nivedita Mankani, Subramanian M. Rao, Sunil Kumar Gurram

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Lasers in Conservative Dentistry: An Overview
Gaurangi Kakodkar, Ida de Noronha de Ataide, Rajdeep Pavaskar

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Labial Frenectomy through Z Plasty
Aparna Agarwal, Rahul Kapahi

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Central Ossifying Fibroma of the Mandible: An Unusual Case Report
Bal Reddy P., Sridhar Reddy B., Prasad N., Kiran G., Karthik Patlolla

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Effect of the Aqueous Extract of Mentha Arvensis on Haloperidol Induced Catalepsy in Albino Mice
MD. Parwez Ahmad, Hussain Arshad, Najmi Abul Kalam, Manocha Anshu, Akhtar Md. Hasin, Wahab Shadma

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Analgesic Effects of Dashamula, an Ayurvedic Preparation, versus Diclofenac Sodium in Animal Models
Ravi Shekhar Singh, Mushtaq Ahmad, Zahoor Ahmad Wafai, Zafer Yab Khan, Monika Sharma, Vikas Seth

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HIV Seroprevalence among Prison Inmates in Rajasthan, India
Ekadashi Rajni Sabharwal, D.R. Mathur, Pushpa Mehta

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Dear Readers,

JCDR has brought out  May2012 Extra Issue to reduce the backlog of articles that are  accepted, but not published.


We have taken this step in order to reaffirm our  commitment to  authors and readers.


Dr. Hemant Jain

Chief Editor


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